Multiple Exposure
Multiple exposures combine from two to ten separate exposures in a single shot. The
results vary with the overlay mode.
The exposures
are overlaid without modification; gain is not adjusted.
Before the exposures are overlaid, the gain for each is divided by the total number
of exposures taken (gain for each exposure is set to 1/2 for 2 exposures, 1/3 for
3 exposures, etc).
The camera compares the
pixels in each exposure and uses only the brightest.
The camera compares the pixels in each exposure and uses only the darkest.

01. Select Multiple exposure.
Highlight Multiple exposure in the photo shooting menu and press
Highlight Multiple exposure in the photo shooting menu and press

02. Select a mode.
Highlight Multiple exposure mode and press
Highlight Multiple exposure mode and press

If On (series) or On (single photo) is selected,
icon will
be displayed in the control panel.

03. Choose the number of shots.
Highlight Number of shots and press
Press 1 or 3 to choose the number of exposures that will be combined to form a single photograph and
Highlight Number of shots and press

Press 1 or 3 to choose the number of exposures that will be combined to form a single photograph and

04. Choose the overlay mode.
Highlight Overlay mode and press
Highlight Overlay mode and press

05. Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot.
icon will flash until shooting ends.

If On (series) is selected, multiple exposure shooting will only
end when Off is selected for multiple exposure mode; if On
(single photo) is selected, multiple exposure shooting ends automatically
when the multiple exposure is complete. The
icon clears from the display when multiple exposure shooting

Ending Multiple Exposures
To end a multiple exposure before the specified number of exposures have been taken, select Off for multiple exposure mode. If shooting ends before the specified number of exposures have been taken, a multiple exposure will be created from the exposures that have been recorded to that point. If Average is selected for Overlay mode, gain will be adjusted to reflect the number of exposures actually recorded. Note that shooting will end automatically if:
- A two-button reset is performed
- The camera is turned off
- The battery is exhausted
- Pictures are deleted
To end a multiple exposure before the specified number of exposures have been taken, select Off for multiple exposure mode. If shooting ends before the specified number of exposures have been taken, a multiple exposure will be created from the exposures that have been recorded to that point. If Average is selected for Overlay mode, gain will be adjusted to reflect the number of exposures actually recorded. Note that shooting will end automatically if:
- A two-button reset is performed
- The camera is turned off
- The battery is exhausted
- Pictures are deleted
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