Release Mode: Quiet shutter-rlease
Quiet shutter-release
As for single frame, except that the mirror
does not click back into place while the shutter-release button is fully pressed,
allowing the user to control the timing of the click made by the mirror, which is
also quieter than in single frame mode. In addition, a beep does not sound regardless
of the setting selected for Beep in the setup menu.
(quiet continuous) shutter-release
While shutter-release button is held
down, camera records up to 3 frames per second.
* Camera noise is reduced.

Press the release mode dial lock release and turn the release mode dial so that the
pointer aligns with Q (quiet shutter-release) or
QC (quiet continuous shutter-release).
Release Mode: Quiet shutter-rlease: Related Functions
View information on functions related to Release Mode: Quiet shutter-rlease.
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